5 Things You Can Start Doing Now To Kickstart Back Into Gear

 5 things you can start doing now to kickstart back into gear

Now that summer is ending and routines are going to be back in place, here are 5 things you can do to get back on track with your fitness.

1) Drink more water

Aim to drink 3-5 L of water daily. A good way to stay up with your water intake is to carry a water bottle, one with a handle so it’s comfortable to hold (trust me, even something as small as that will decide how often you have that bottle with you). Another good habit to help this would be to set a glass of water on your nightstand before bed, and when you wake up, start your day by drinking that water.

2) Walk 10k steps daily

Or even walk more. If you don’t walk much, you can start by figuring out how many steps take daily, you can do this with a watch that tracks your steps, or most phones right now have a step counter in them. Keep your phone in your pocket and it’ll track your steps. Once you figure it out, start by increasing that number little by little.

3) Do some kind of physical activity every day

It doesn’t have to be the most intense workout of your life. Walking, swimming, biking, dancing, lifting weights, joining a class, playing with your kid, playing a sport, yoga. All these are different ways of physical activity, preferably find something you enjoy so it is easier to do. Try to aim for 30-60 minutes per day.

4) Eat more protein

Protein promotes muscle growth, which also helps with fat loss. It’s a win-win situation. It is also going to help with your energy levels during the day as well as keeping you full.

5) Sleep 6-8hr a night

When you sleep, your body gets to recover the most, all your energy is put into repairing and recovering from the entire day you had. Also, f you wake up feeling rested is going to set you up for success with the rest of your day, you are going to be more efficient with your tasks and turn into a waterfall of little wins.

All these are habits that more than anything are going to help you get in the right mindset about your fitness. Once you start doing productive things that make you feel accomplished, you are going to want to do more of that, is a natural process, and before you know it, these 5 things and others are going to feel like “the norm” and not a task.

Laura Hobson