Learning How To Hip Hinge/Deadlift

Learning How To Hip Hinge/Deadlift

  1. Start with a kettlebell behind you and on your knees, this eliminates the lower portion of your legs (from the knee down), so you can focus on the hips. Keeping your shoulders back (squeeze your shoulder blades together but don’t overdo it), you then want to use your butt to push the kettlebell behind you toward your heels (essentially pushing your hips back)

  2. Place a dowel behind your back, making sure it is in contact with the back of your head, your upper back, and your sacrum (right above your glutes) at all times. Push your hips back towards the wall behind you, making sure you maintain the 3 points of contact through the movement, then stand back up.


Notice, that if there is any bending at the spine, the dowel will come off one of those contact points. We want to avoid that!


After the first two are mastered, we start to play with the grip. Bringing the kettlebell to the front, using dumbbells or a barbell. But the instructions are the same:

✅ Shoulders back (Think 3 points of contact).

✅ Push hips back (Think pushing the kettlebell behind you).

✅ Finish by driving the hips forward.

Laura Hobson