Prehab And Rehab

Prehab And Rehab

Prehabilitation: Specialized exercises chosen for a specific movement to prevent injury. “The Aim of prehab is to avoid injury by compensating for the repetitive movement and stress of regular training”

Rehabilitation: The process of recovery and return to function after injury or having an operation.

“Essentially, prehab is doing targeted strengthening exercises usually done in rehab before you even end up in rehab. It is making sure you’re doing every movement correctly, paying special attention to the muscles being worked.”

Traditional exercises such as pushups, squats, and running/jumping utilize major muscles but often neglect the stabilizers or balance of secondary and tertiary muscle groups. By pre-emptively utilizing those secondary and tertiary muscle groups in an open or closed kinetic chain; prior to exertion will prevent injury and yield higher performance.

An example would be clam shell or hip abduction exercises to utilize the glute medius / lateral stabilizers prior to squatting or lunging. That will reduce the excessive strain on the knee joint as the hips will be more mobile and secure.,to%20the%20muscles%20being%20worked.

Laura Hobson