Why Everyone Should Do Resistance Training

During resistance training or strength training, you put stress on your body with the idea that it will adapt to that stress to be able to overcome more challenging situations (more work time, weight, etc.). You do this by using weights, bands or even your body weight.

Resistance training is not only for elite or professional athletes. From children to seniors, there are many benefits to strength training, and if performed correctly in a controlled environment, everybody can draw from these benefits. Some of these are:

·       Increase muscle strength and endurance

·       Increase bone density

·       Muscle and connective tissue growth

·       Increase growth hormones

·       Increase neuromuscular efficiency

·       Increase overall fitness

·       Increase self-esteem

The list of physiological benefits goes on and on. And as mentioned earlier, anybody can benefit from it.

 Resistance training also can help manage certain conditions such as:

·       Arthritis

·       Dementia

·       Depression

·       Cancer

·       Obesity

·       Diabetes

·       Osteoporosis

·       Stroke

·       Cardiovascular diseases

·       Back pain

·       Movement disorders

Once again, the list goes on.

Knowing this, resistance training should be a part of everybody’s exercise program. Adding 3 days of 30 minutes of strength training a week to your aerobic plan could be a great start to a better lifestyle. Just remember, proper technique and safety are a must.

Laura Hobson