The Dance Called "Life"


Dear Friends,


We have arrived at the midway point of the month, June 15th…at the inception of June, you considered and then declared your THREE primary goals for the 30 days ahead with the intent of focusing even further on your health and fitness.


So…how are you doing? How have the last two weeks played out? What have you done well? What can be improved? What or who has enabled you to succeed? How committed have you been?


We’ve all recognized that this dance called “Life” moves across the proverbial floor with many twists and turns, sometimes with us in the lead step and at other times just hanging on for the ride…


I would invite you, for these next two weeks, to figuratively tango, waltz, foxtrot or two-step in your life…and take the lead to make your goals your dance partner. Keep the steps simple but for the sake of your own performance, keep moving!


I’ve included the note from May 31st with examples of goals you may have committed to – please use it as reference or even as a map for your own plan. Either way, between now and June 30th, before the summer schedule arrives, fortify your foundation in the realm of your health and fitness with clear, simple goals that will help you stay focused, mentally strong and physically sound.


And for the record, we know you can dance….


