The 90 Day Challenge - Reflecting on the Half Way Point
Dear Friends,
The Half Way point of the 90 Day Challenge….45 days in since September 15th….45 more to go until mid-December…
Take stock for a moment – think of what you have been doing for your health and fitness and why you have been doing it. The first part, the “what”, is usually quite clear as we can reflect on the actual progress we have made with our lifestyle goals, the main ones being focusing on our workouts and nutrition. In the first 45 days, it has undoubtedly become evident that the road is not a straight one…rather, it twists, turns, elevates, descends, arises and at times seems to go in circles. The small victories you have achieved and earned are the lights that are illuminating your path right now.
That is what brings us to the WHY? Why are we doing this? Why is it, at times, that the direction is so crystal clear while at other times the path seems obscure?
…and that, my friends, is the ultimate challenge…to be able to define the WHYS in our lives by connecting the questions to the standards and core values for which we stand….
- Why is it important that we take care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually?
- Why is our health directly correlated to the way we see ourselves and interact with others?
- Why is it so essential that we set an example?
- Why is our leadership being called upon right now?
There are many more questions – and the answers are specific to you. As November quickly approaches and we enter the final phase of the year, take a moment to reflect on how far you have come as well as envision where you want to be…and ask yourself some significant questions…with time, the answers will further enhance your experience and bring you even closer to personal fulfillment.
Let’s take hold of the next 45 days and embrace the opportunity to continue to create positive change in our lives.
All the best,