Reflecting on December
Turning the calendar to see “December” this morning is a testimony to the speed of time…and a reminder to cherish each day we have.
For those of you immersed in the “90 Day Challenge”, you are in your final two weeks to the destination of discovery and reflection of your progress….for those of you whose time frame is slightly different, you are in the final month of this year. In both cases, it is high time for a quick glance in the rear view mirror and then a smile as we look confidently ahead and embrace the opportunity to celebrate the change we have created in our lives.
It is a time to truly look at our personal portfolio of mental, spiritual and physical health and take stock of its priority in our lives…how it enables us to grow….how it enables us to lead…and how it enables us to live. As you start this week, and month for that matter, take a quiet moment to declare your direction – what you want to achieve with your health by mid-month and by 2009…we’re talking small victories here. We’re talking about re-confirming a standard that enables you to enjoy the festivities of the season while also elevating your consciousness toward your own sense of health and fitness.
Traditionally, this month is one that bears gifts…as we head into the coming weeks, give one to yourself by staying strong with your personal health commitments…and give gratitude to your own spirit for the strength it provides you to do so.