Two Key Components In Fat Loss

Two key components in fat loss


1)    Gain muscle.

It might seem counterintuitive that to lose fat you should gain muscle, but there are a few reasons why this works so well.

To start, we need to understand that muscle tissues are more metabolically active than fat. This just means that just by existing, it burns more calories than fat.

Knowing that to lose fat you need to burn more calories than you consume, we can see how having muscle it’s going to help us lose more calories with less effort and less amount of time.

If we dive a little deeper into that, knowing that you can burn more calories, easier and faster, also would mean that you could consume more calories and still be in a caloric deficit (consuming less calories than you burn throughout the day). This would mean less restrictions when its time to be “on a diet”!

Now it might be scary to see your weight go up when you gain muscle, but there’s a difference between gaining weight (with muscle) and gaining fat. Gaining muscle is going to shape up your body, is the beginning of that “toned” look.


2)    NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)

is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise.

It could be anything from walking to the store, around the office, yard work, chores you do at home or throughout the day. Basically, any energy that you spend when you are not working out.

Even though it might not seem like much, everything you do through the day when you are not working out its going to help that fat loss journey. You are in the gym for around 1 hour, there are 23 hours left in the day, be mindful of that.

Things like using the stairs instead of the elevator, parking a little farther than usual or making a point of going for a 15-minute walk during the day would go a long way, not only for fat loss but for general health and longevity.

Laura Hobson