Winter Health And The Benefits Of Going Outside

Winter Health and the Benefits of going outside

During the winter months, it is easy to find comfort in staying indoors where it is warm and ignore the outdoors for many weeks to months. This can lead to a general decline in overall health quality, ranging from cardiovascular health to even seasonal affective disorders. It is important and beneficial to go outdoors, even if for short walks if not shovelling snow.  

One of the benefits is Vitamin D through the exposure of your skin to the sun’s UVB as well as strengthening your immune system through controlled exposure to the elements. Research by the National Institute of Health stated that walking increased the creativity of participants by 81%. Source:

Encouraging endorphin and serotonin by going outdoors, will help keep your body disciplined and healthy not only physically but also mentally. This can be leveraged to further set smart goals like ensuring you are doing at least 30minutes of cardio exercise in routine daily and will fight the winter blues and couch potato feelings.


Laura Hobson