The Trail Toward Our Health


 A key quality to embrace while in the process of creating change in our lives.


It is not an easy thing to do…but it can be done, step by step and day by day.

The perfection of this health and fitness journey is in its imperfection – some days are going to be victories and some days will seem like challenges. But if you learn from each day and become just that much more aware of your choices and your thoughts, you will be successfully moving forward. Your self-talk through meditation or journaling will give you time and space to have those personal conversations that will bring about this clarity.

Life gives us the opportunity to be a student; to be in a constant state of this learning, growth and realization. When we accept that the path is not linear but rather, dynamic and fluid, we become more accustomed to adaptation.

So focus on today. Focus on what you are doing well…and confidently remind yourself of what you can do better. Then step out and play.

And congratulate yourself on being willing to become the best version of You…our world needs it now more than ever.

Laura Hobson